Rule Book

2025 NRCHA Rule Book

With the new show year comes a revised and updated NRCHA Rule Book. Printed rule books are in the works, but we have the NRCHA Rule Book linked online for your review of the changes to the eligibility, class names, and new divisions.

Download 2025 Rule Book

2025 Rule Book Changes



16.2.3 Approved judges must be a current NRCHA member. Judges must have held an NRCHA membership for at least one year prior to being listed as an approved judge.

16.2.4 Judges in good standing, shall at times will be required to take an annual renewal test, be given a written test to keep them familiar with new rules or changes. After attending an NRCHA Judge’s Seminar and passing the Judges Exam – both written and video, the qualified applicant may apply for their NRCHA Judges Card to be approved by the NRCHA Judges Committee.


19.1 Herd Work – Maneuver Scores for Herd Work:

Herd Work – Maneuver Scores for Herd Work: The NRCHA has divided each herd work into sets of maneuvers. It is the judge’s responsibility to evaluate these maneuver groups individually and rate each maneuver group on the following scale:

– – Extremely Poor
– Very Poor
✓- Poor
✓ Correct
✓+ Good
+ Very Good
+ Excellent


19.2 Reined Work – Penalty Points:

2 point penalties:
– Breaking gait (Break of gait is defined as “when the cadence of the lope is disrupted or not maintained.” Break of gait only occurs from the lope gait)
– Jogging beyond two strides, up until one-half circle or one-half the length of the arena

19.2 Jogging: Jogging up to 2 strides incurs a ½ point penalty, jogging beyond 2 strides up until one-half circle or one-half the length of the arena will incur a 2 point penalty. Jogging in excess of one-half circle or one-half the length of the arena will result in a score of 0. In determining whether a ½ or 2 point penalty has been incurred, it is useful for a judge to consider the distance traveled and to count the steps of the rear legs. Four steps and under would represent 2 or less strides and require a ½ point penalty; 5 steps and more, therefore, would require a 2 point penalty.


19.3 Cow Work – Maneuver Scores for Cow Work:

Cow Work – Maneuver Scores for Cow Work: The NRCHA has divided each cow work into sets of maneuvers. It is the judge’s responsibility to evaluate these maneuver groups individually and rate each maneuver group on the following scale:

– – Extremely Poor
– Very Poor
✓- Poor
✓ Correct
✓+ Good
+ Very Good
+ Excellent During the cow work, when a cow leaves the working area, it is automatic that the contestant will receive a new cow and scoring will begin again with the new cow, unless the contestant has been awarded a new cow and opted to continue working the current cow. If the contestant had incurred any major penalties before the cow leaving the arena, the penalties will carry over to the new cow.


19.4. Boxing Class Cow Work – Maneuver Scores for Boxing Class Cow Work:

Boxing Class Cow Work – Maneuver Scores for Boxing Class Cow Work: The NRCHA has divided each boxing class cow work into sets of maneuvers. It is the judge’s responsibility to evaluate these maneuver groups individually and rate each maneuver group on the following scale:

– – Extremely Poor
– Very Poor
✓- Poor
✓ Correct
✓+ Good
+ Very Good
+ Excellent


19.6. Box Drive Class Cow Work – Maneuver Scores for Box Drive Class Cow Work:

Box Drive Class Cow Work – Maneuver Scores for Box Drive Class Cow Work: The NRCHA has divided each box drive class cow work into sets of maneuvers. It is the judge’s responsibility to evaluate these maneuver groups individually and rate each maneuver group on the following scale:

– – Extremely Poor
– Very Poor
✓- Poor
✓ Correct
✓+ Good
+ Very Good
+ Excellent If contestant is not in a working position that causes the cow to initiate at least one turn/change of direction on the second boxing phase before crossing the timeline and terminating the work, a five point penalty will be assessed.  After contestant drives cow past middle marker on first drive, no new cow will be given.


 19.5 Steer Stopping

Steer Stopping – Penalty Points:

3 point penalties:
– Missing first loop
– Taking off illegal catch

 5 point penalties:
– Refusing to enter box
– Breaking barrier
– Rearing up in box
– Running into steer
– Blatant disobedience, defined as kicking, biting, bucking, rearing, striking, or obviously insubordinate.
– Missing first loop
– Taking off illegal catch
19.5.5  Scoring will be on the basis of 60-79 80 points, with 70 points being average. Each maneuver will be scored from a plus 3 (excellent), to a minus 3 (extremely poor), in ½ point increments. Eye Appeal and Degree of Difficulty will be scored from a plus 1½ (excellent), to a minus 1½ (poor), in ½ point increments. The maneuver scores will be added or subtracted from 70 to come up with the score.


Herd Settling

9.13 For NRCHA Premier Approved Events, herd settler must be entered in the event for show at which he/she is settling. (For example, to settle a herd in any division in a derby, the herd settler must be entered in that derby show, in any division). No horse may be used as a herd settler or help horse for a class in which that horse is competing. They may be used as turn back help horses. Violation of this rule may result in a the following: fine, suspension, and/or probation as determined by the NRCHA Ethics Committee.

9.13.1 For NRCHA Premier Events, no rider can settle a set in which they are competing.




3.6 Hackamore Classes – open to horses 5 years of age and under as of January 1st of current show year that have never been shown in a bridle (defined as any equipment using a shanked bit) or two rein down the fence at any judged classes or events with the exception of horse sales and National High School Rodeo events. The rider shall use closed reins. Two hands must be used on the reins, except in the herd work.


5.3.1 Chin strap must be smooth leather. No wire, chain or other metal or rawhide device may be used in conjunction with a part of the leather chin strap. Leather chin strap must be flat, flexible and at least ½ inch wide. No metal rivets are is allowed on the inside of the chin strap. and the rivets may not, at any time, come in contact with the chin, or chin groove of the horse. Metal keepers are not acceptable on the chin strap.


Show Management


3.12.4 At the discretion of show management, the rein work for the Box Drive and Non Pro Boxing divisions, including Intermediate and Limited, may be run concurrently. When the rein work is conducted concurrently, the rein work score will be used for both the Box Drive and Non Pro Boxing divisions. The cow work for the Box Drive will be run and scored separately.

COWBOY CLASS The modified steer stopping will be run separately from the reined and cow work and will utilize the Steer Stopping Judge Card. Modified steer stopping may will be run as a walk-out roping and will not utilize a chute or barrier. Modified steer stopping may also be run where the exhibitor waits in arena, a steer is released into the arena, tracked, roped and stopped. If an alley is not used when releasing the steer, the steer may be boxed before being tracked and roped.


Rider Changes


4.5 Horses in open classes may be shown by more than one rider or the rider may be changed, as long as all riders fit the earnings criteria for the class. In the case of a rider substitution at a show, the last first rider showing will be credited with the earnings. Once a rider is changed, no additional changes will be permitted.

LIMITED-AGED EVENTS Substitutions of riders due to accident or illness during LAE will be subject to approval by the Show Committee provided that the rider complies with all ownership and eligibility rules. In the case of a Non Pro rider they may substitute to another Non Pro family member. In the case of a rider substitution at a show, the last first rider showing will be credited with the earnings. Once a rider is changed, no additional changes will be permitted. The horse will only be eligible for placings in divisions it was originally entered into, and also will only be eligible for divisions which the substitute rider is eligible.


Horse Substitutions / Scratches

9.8.3 After the draw, substitution of a horse only by the same owner and rider in the same class will be allowed upon presentation of a veterinary certificate stating that the horse entered will be unable to work. In the case of a Non Pro rider, they may substitute another horse that meets the Non Pro ownership requirements. A substitution fee equal to 10% of the total entry fee will be charged. Substitutions must be accompanied by a new entry form. Any substitution without a veterinary certificate will be considered a late entry, assessed the late entry penalty fees and entered into the competition as a late entry. (See Rule 9.4.1). All other NRCHA approved shows shall abide by the affiliate’s or show management’s policies for substitutions, scratches, refunds and late fees.

 9.8.4 In approved Horse show classes or LAEs managed by the NRCHA, if an entered horse is deceased, the entire amount will be refunded.


Show Approvals

12.1.16 A show that is approved by the NRCHA must adhere to the current Association rules. Approval of a show may be granted without specifying the judge or judges; however, the judge or judges must be named at least thirty days prior to the closing date of entries. Any changes regarding the location of the event, show secretary, show manager, NRCHA approved classes, total entry fee, or decrease in added money must be communicated no later than thirty (30) days prior to the start of the show. Any changes regarding the cattle fees, retainage / office fee, addback / jackpot fee, judge fee, video fee, or increase in added money must be communicated no later than seven (7) days prior to the start of the show. No class or division at any NRCHA Approved Event (Horse Show, LAE, or Special Event) may be canceled or have the added money reduced based on the number of entries. In the event of an Event cancellation, the approval fee will be retained as an administrative fee.



7.3.3 In NRCHA Approved horse shows, in the case of a tie for first place the following process will be used; First place shall be determined by the highest cow work score. If a tie still exists then; For events with preliminaries – the high preliminary total score will be used. If a tie still exists or if there were not preliminaries then; Work off between tied competitors, cow work only, or if mutually agreed upon the contestants will be declared the class winner Co-Champions and a coin will be flipped for the prizes. (If they do not agree, the exhibitor who does not want to runoff will forfeit first place to the other.) If a tie is not discovered on the day it happens a coin flip must be used to determine the winner the contestants will be declared Co-Champions and a coin will be flipped for the prizes.


Boxing Eligibility

3.8.1 Non Pro Boxing – This class is open to approved Non Pro Boxing riders and who comply with all Non Pro eligibility rules. Non Pro riders in this class must meet the requirements of the section 2.4 ownership rules. (See Non Pro eligibility rules.) Earnings are calculated as lifetime earnings, excluding youth money. This class may run concurrently with the Intermediate Non Pro Boxing and/or the Limited Non Pro Boxing.

3.8.2 Intermediate Non Pro Boxing – open to approved Non Pro riders who are not in the top 50 Non Pro Boxing rider listing based on lifetime money won in the past three years at any NRCHA approved events excluding youth money have not earned more than $5,000 in lifetime earnings and who comply with all Non Pro eligibility rules. For purposes of determining eligibility for this class, all Non Pro Boxing earnings shall be computed at zero as of January 1, 2002. This class may run concurrent with Non Pro Boxing. There is no fall back Provision in this class. The responsibility for eligibility lies with the competitor. If an individual feels a competitor is not eligible for a class, the burden of proof lies with the person who protests.

3.8.3 Limited Non Pro Boxing – open to approved Non Pro riders who are not in the top 175 Non Pro Boxing rider listing based on lifetime money won in the past three years at any NRCHA approved events excluding youth money and have not earned more than $1,000 $5,000 in lifetime earnings, excluding youth money and who comply with all Non Pro eligibility rules, with the exception of the section 2.4 ownership rules. (See Non Pro eligibility rules.) For purposes of determining eligibility for this class, all Non Pro Boxing earnings shall be computed at zero as of January 1, 2002. This class may run concurrent with Non Pro Boxing or the Intermediate Non Pro Boxing. There is no fall back Provision in this class. The responsibility for eligibility lies with the competitor. If an individual feels a competitor is not eligible for a class, the burden of proof lies with the person who protests.

10.4.12 Level 1 Non Pro Boxing – This class is open to approved Non Pro Boxing riders with less than $1,000 $2,000 in Lifetime Earnings excluding youth money and who comply with all Non Pro eligibility rules in Rule 3.8. Non Pro riders in this class must meet the requirements of the section 2.4 ownership rules. (See Non Pro eligibility rules.) This class will use a single entry fee with Non Pro Boxing.


Non Pro Membership Approval  Non Pro applications from college professors and instructors of equine-related programs will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Additional questions regarding the applicant’s duties and experience may be asked before granting Non Pro status by the NRCHA Board of Directors. A professional trainer seeking Non Pro status must have their application reviewed by the Board of Directors before receiving approval for Non Pro status.

2.3.7 A person who does not meet the criteria for Non Pro status or a Professional seeking Non Pro status, may apply for Non Pro status after said person has met the NRCHA Non Pro definition for a period of one year for every year, or partial year, they did not meet the NRCHA Non Pro definition with a maximum of 5 years from date to date listed on the Non Pro declaration as last date. The years of this compliance period must be served consecutively.


Hackamore Classic

10.8 NRCHA Hackamore Classic Open to horses 5 years of age and under, as of January 1st of current show year, that have never been shown in a bridle down the fence in any judged classes or events with the exception of horse sales. Horses 6 years old may compete in the Non Pro Boxing Hackamore Classic using a hackamore. Horses must be shown in a hackamore as described in equipment rule 5.5. The rider shall use closed reins. Two hands must be used on the reins, except in the herd work.


NRCHA Regional Champions

4.111 To be eligible for an NRCHA Regional Championship, a horse or horse and rider combination must have competed at least four times in a given class in at least four NRCHA approved shows in a specific region.


NRCHA Governance

NRCHA VII. Section 7. The NRCHA Board of Directors reserves the right to interpret any rules within this rulebook that allow for ambiguity. In the event of ambiguity or uncertainty regarding the application or meaning of any rule, the Board of Directors shall have the authority to provide clarification or make determinations as they see fit. Such interpretations by the Board of Directors shall be final and binding.

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