Primo Morales Photography Returns As NRCHA Official Photographer for 2024
[Pilot Point, Texas] – The National Reined Cow Horse Association (NRCHA) announces that Primo Morales Photography will be returning as the Official Photographer for the 2024 show season.Primo Morales Photography is based in Lisbon, Ohio, and has been shooting reined cow horses for over 20 years. He first shot the reined cow horse in Florida in the early 2000s. Primo and his team photographed their first NRCHA-produced event in 2005 at the NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity® in Reno, Nevada.
“First, I want to thank the NRCHA for trusting us with the title of Official Photographer again. My team and I are looking forward to capturing each and every competitor at the NRCHA events this year,” said Primo Morales, owner of Primo Morales Photography.
Primo will begin the official photographer role at the 2024 Kalpowar Quarter Horses Celebration of Champions, February 11-24, in Fort Worth, Texas, and continue through the 2024 NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity® slated for October 4-19, in Fort Worth.
“After careful consideration of many great applicants, the NRCHA Board determined that the NRCHA Official Photography contract will remain with the one and only Primo Morales,” Emily Konkel, NRCHA executive director, said. “He has taken exceptional care of our members over the past twenty years, and we are excited to continue our relationship with him and his team. Thank you to all of the photography applicants.”
For the latest news regarding NRCHA events and industry news, visit nrcha.com.