The National Reined Cow Horse Association board of directors and staff are monitoring the fluid coronavirus-19 situation. The NRCHA supports the decisions made by individual show managers to postpone and/or cancel any NRCHA-sanctioned events in the upcoming weeks and months. The health and well-being of the membership, staff, attendees and all involved in the cow horse community are the association’s first priority.
A wide variety of mandates have been put in place by national, state and local officials. The NRCHA highly recommends show producers worldwide follow and abide by the current regulations put in place by these governing bodies.
“The COVID-19 status is changing at a rapid pace. Most businesses, associations and people are navigating the unknown right now. Whether you are an event producer or event attendee, I’m asking everyone to use their best judgement and be understanding during these times,” stated NRCHA President Corey Cushing. “Difficult decisions have been made recently, and will continue to be made for the foreseeable future. However, together, I know we can navigate these challenges and come out stronger in the end.”
As of right now, the remaining 2020 NRCHA premier events are planned to run as scheduled: NRCHA Derby, Paso Robles, California; NRCHA Eastern Derby, Murfreesboro, Tennessee; and the NRCHA Hackamore Classic and Snaffle Bit Futurity ®, Fort Worth, Texas. The NRCHA board of directors are still looking for options to reschedule the Stallion Stakes that was to be held March 27 – April 4, in Las Vegas, Nevada.
NRCHA-sanctioned events needing to postpone or cancel their show, please click here. Show approval fees will be refunded to any show unable to reschedule in the 2020 show season due to COVID-19.
Contact the NRCHA office via phone or email with any questions.