National Reined Cow Horse Association announces 2022 Seminar Series
The National Reined Cow Horse Association (NRCHA) announced the upcoming 2022 NRCHA Seminar Series slated for December 15-18, 2022, at the South Point Casino and Hotel in Las Vegas. The series will consist of three seminars; show management and secretary, introduction to judging and scribing, and the annual judge seminar. These seminars will also offer a webinar option for members who cannot be in person.
Emily Konkel, NRCHA premier events manager, and Tina McCleary, NRCHA membership and affiliate manager, along with NRCHA Show Managers, Morgan Tweedy and Chris Jeter, will host the show management and secretary seminar on December 15, 2022. The forum is open to all new and current NRCHA show managers and show secretaries, along with members who may have an interest in serving in one of these roles. During the seminar, attendees will review the structure of NRCHA-approved events and the submission of show applications and results to NRCHA. Additionally, NRCHA staff will provide information on animal welfare, hiring and contracting support staff at local shows, and be available to answer questions members may have regarding show management.
The introduction to judging and scribing seminar will be on December 16, 2022. This seminar is open to new and 1A judges, current or interested scribes, and members looking to gain insight into the NRCHA judging program. The meeting will provide an introduction to judging and will review testing requirements for new judges, an overview of the scoring system and penalties for all NRCHA classes, and a review of the ethics and guidelines for judges and scribes.
December 17-18, 2022, will be the Judge Seminar, open to all current and new judges, but is designed for 2A and 3A judges and will focus on advanced topics. Hosted by Bill Enk, NRCHA director of judges, the seminar will cover the judging criteria for the High School Rodeo competition and an in-depth review of the judging system. Enk will be joined by additional clinicians who offer unique perspectives on the different aspects of judging reined cow horse.
“I believe that continuing judge education is one of the most important things in our industry,” Bill Enk, NRCHA director of judges, said. “The reined cow horse continues to evolve and therefore so does the judging. Our job as a judge is to clearly depict what happens in the arena on our scoresheet for the competitor to review after their run. Regardless if you compete at the weekend level or at the majors, we want you to have a clear understanding of the rules, scoresheet, and the judging system.”
All new judges and judges who need to update their certification must attend one in-person judging seminar in 2022. A complete list of judge seminars and a judge recertification list are available online at nrcha.com/judges-recertifcation-list/
Additional information about the seminar series, including speakers, schedule, pricing, and registration, will be available in the coming weeks at nrcha.com/clinics.