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Kalpowar Quarter Horses Becomes Title Sponsor of NRCHA Celebration of Champions

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Kalpowar Quarter Horses Becomes Title Sponsor of NRCHA Celebration of Champions

By December 13, 2021No Comments

Kalpowar Quarter Horses Becomes Title Sponsor of NRCHA Celebration of Champions

In a remarkable show of support, Kalpowar Quarter Horses has entered into a five-year agreement with the National Reined Cow Horse Association to become title sponsor for the Celebration of Champions, an event that kicks off the premier event show year annually. Held in Fort Worth, Texas, the Celebration of Champions brings together riders vying for a World or National Champion title, competitors in the Hashtags and Western Bloodstock World’s Greatest Horseman and also Derby-aged horses in the Tres Osos Cow Horse Derby—it is an event that showcases the breadth of the reined cow horse industry to its fullest.

The momentum from the Celebration of Champions drives the NRCHA throughout the year, and holding the 2022 event with the support of the Bell family’s Kalpowar Quarter Horses starts the year off on a high note. While 2021 titles are wrapped up, it also launches many horses into a money-earning year.

“The Bell family has been deeply involved and connected to NRCHA for many years, and Larry and Ellen watched their children and their horses grow in our arenas,” said Anna Morrison, NRCHA executive director. “Their desire to support NRCHA at this level is an example of the Bell family’s legacy of generosity and shows how important the cow horse community is to their family.”

Kalpowar Quarter Horses, which is based at the Parks Bell Ranch in Midland, Texas, and in Fort Worth, Texas, is a family run operation producing quality performance Quarter Horses in reined cow horse and cutting, as well as horses that work on the ranch. Kalpowar horses have won numerous titles and championships in multiple events of the NRCHA, American Quarter Horse Association, National Cutting Horse Association, Stock Horse of Texas and American Rope Horse Futurity Association, as well as having produced multiple money earners in team roping and barrel racing events. Since 2016, Kalpowar has been co-managed by Jake Gorrell, an NRCHA million dollar rider, and Matthew Bell, who are constantly working to continue the family’s deep roots in ranching and reined cow horse.

Longtime supporters of the NRCHA, the Southwest Reined Cow Horse Association and the National Stock Horse Association, Larry and Ellen Bell have seen the associations grow throughout the years and evolved their horse program to match. In 2004, Kalpowar Quarter Horses was the first named sponsor of the NRCHA World Championship Show in Stephenville, Texas. The family’s support has continued through the years, including becoming a major sponsor of the 2014 World’s Greatest Horseman, which aided in the event’s move to Fort Worth, Texas. Larry Bell is a past NRCHA vice president, director and executive committee member, a past SRCHA president and, in 2017, was inducted into the NRCHA Hall of Merit.

“We have been deeply committed to the Celebration of Champions from the very beginning. Supporting this event that celebrates a successful show season for so many cow horse competitors at every level, while also kicking off a new show season for others, is such a fulfilling opportunity for our family,” said Larry Bell. “Our involvement in the reined cow horse industry has always been driven by our love of not only the horses but the people involved in this event. Standing as a title sponsor for the Celebration of Champions is one way for us to continue giving back to an industry that means so much to our family.”

The Kalpowar Quarter Horses Celebration of Champions is February 10 through 21, 2022, at the Will Rogers Memorial Center in Fort Worth, Texas. The event will crown the Youth, Non Pro and Open 2021 NRCHA World Champions in multiple events. During the show, the 2022 World’s Greatest Horseman event will unfold and crown a new champion. In addition, the 4- and 5-year-old horses will compete in the 2022 Tres Osos Cow Horse Derby, which is expected to be a record increase in entries due to the large 3-year-old Futurity season. Tickets for the World’s Greatest Horseman Finals will go on sale in January. For more information on the events of the Kalpowar Quarter Horses Celebration of Champions, visit

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