Terry Ratto

Through a serious of random events, Terry Ratto became exposed to the California Reined Cow Horse and eventually developed a passion for the horses and people who were involved with them.
In 1990, he bought Peppy Malbec from Smoky Pritchett, but after Terry’s son, Jason, spent six months in intensive care at UCSF Medical Center, Terry decided he didn’t have time to show and contacted Smoky, who helped him find a buyer.
In 1995, Jason passed away at the age of 9 after his long illness, and as a memorial to his son, Terry established an award to be given at the Snaffle Bit Futurity each year. Renowned silver smith, Gordon Hayes hand crafts a pair of engraved stirrups that are awarded to the High Scoring Open Rider/Owner and Non Pro. Although Gordon passed in 2019, the memory of Jason will be continued with a new maker in 2019 and beyond.
Since Terry’s humble introduction to the world of Reined Cow Horses, he has gone on to earn money in the NRCHA and NCHA, and has placed in the Top Five Novice Bridle and Non Pro Bridle year-end standings. In 1997, he won the Non Pro Triple Crown Classic on Playful Peppy. Smoky has shown multiple finalists and champions at every major aged event for Terry.