Harry Rose

Harry Rose was considered by many to be the greatest horseman of his time. His first horse show was in 1926. he was only 4 hear old when he won the Junior Stock Horse Championship at Hollister’s Bolado Park.
He was best noted for horses that could stop.
John Brazil Jr. remembers Harry as a fierce competitor. He could take a common horse and even though you brought a good one, he’d beat you.
The 1984 Stock Horse Man of the year trained and showed the who’s who of equine athletes.
Ironically, Harry has never received the notoriety he deserves for what he did with the Doc Bar line. Until Harry rocked the show world riding Doc Bar horses, Doc Bar was viewed as a halter horse with deer legs who’s get would never hold up. But it was Harry who introduced them under saddle with horses like Fizzabar, Janey Bar and Cal Bar that made the Doc Bar name.
To date he had never received the credit for making a blood line that we are all blessed to have now and ride. Harry was the most colorful showman of that time. He was like Jesse James. A cowboy’s cowboy, a bit of an outlaw. He was what every young kid at the time thought a cowboy was. He died at the young age of 66 after battling cancer. And with Harry’s absence, horse shows have never been the same. He was well liked, but better said he was respected and admired by his fellow horseman.